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Sun, 19 Mar 2000 00:30:45 -0000
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi there
My ferret Mason has become obese in the last year, he stopped eating as he
wasn't able to pick up food and eat it (the vets couldn't find anything
wrong, he's seen 3 different vets).  I now feed him 3 times a day and he
eats about 3 teaspoons full of ground ferret food with water and yet he
puts on more and more weight.  He now looks like my ferret Jilly who is on
prednisolone and also looks like my friend's ferret Ben who was on pred and
had a huge tummy full of water because of the pred.  Mason's tummy looks
like Ben's tummy except that Mason is big all over but especially his tummy
is sooo huge!  I don't know if there is any fluid, the vets didn't seem to
think so and said there may be a little bit but that was 2 months ago and
his tummy has got bigger again.  So I was wondering whether there is any
disease where ferrets over-produce a steroid like pred?  Mason doesn't
really eat enough to keep putting on weight... He's healthy apart from the
weight problem and has just shed his winter coat and has a new beautiful
summer coat.  And he still plays with the others...
All the best to everybody and their kids.
From Ulrike
and Jilly, Jack, Igor, Bella, Tom, Mason, Baby, Dana, Fox, Reno, Rose, Hope,
Jasmine and Barney
Missing Angel
West Wales Ferret Welfare
[Posted in FML issue 2994]