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Thu, 16 Mar 2000 07:48:15 -0800
John & Diana Strausbauch <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Hello All & Dooks.
Gave my babies some benadryl as a pre-treat to their annual vaccination.
Then instead of giving all of them a shot we started with my Little Man, he
is the biggest.  He was doing good, and all the sudden started acting like
a wild man, chewing on his litter then choking.  I took him out and checked
for objects in his mouth, turned him upside down, and he began to heave.
In the crate and to the vet ASAP.  The vet said we did everything right,
exactly how he would have done it.  We gave him the vaccination bottle, and
he was shoked.  Said he thought that Fervac-D... He thought it had been
taken off the market.  We left him with the bottle, and he is researching
further, in the meantime he prefer we not vaccinate til we can get a
diffrent vaccine.  Little Man's reaction was far from life threating,
( Thank God ) mostly he was sick to his stomache, with a rapid heart beat.
He was given a steroid shot, instead od (ephenephrin) sp...
Today Little Man is doing great, like it had never happened.  We are all
hoping that our vet can get some answers and find a vaccine that is safer
for our babies.
[Posted in FML issue 2992]