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Fri, 17 Mar 2000 00:06:34 -0500
Kristen Bloom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Saw the ?  on ferret who appears to be chewing gum and have a similar
problem.  My 4 year old female ferret has been licking/swallowing/and
chewing gum without anything in her mouth and sometimes is lethargic, since
september.  Vet#1 said it was a sore-throat and after a week on antibiotics
she improved.  A month later it returned - took her to vet#2 who did blood
work (eliminated hypoglycmia) and said it was probably stomach ulcers.  She
was on amoxi and pepto for 2 weeks and improved for several months.  In
December the licking thing started a little and recently has become bad
again along with her being lathargic.  Took her to vet#3 who says she has
enlarged lyph nodes that are causing the chewing/licking and thinks it
could be lyphocomia(sp?) and wants to do a biopsy.  She is now on
antibiotics and predesone.  My question is has anyone had a ferret with
lyphocomia that did the licking/chewing thing?  Has anyone found a definite
reason for a ferret doing this?  She still eats/sleeps/uses her litter box
the same and has not lost any weight.  Just has the
licking/chewing/swallowing thing and lethargy.
Please let me know if anyone has seen this before.
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[Posted in FML issue 2992]