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Mon, 13 Mar 2000 16:29:20 -0500
Lisa M Andrews <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (66 lines)
Dooks to all the furkids and their humans!
I wanted to take a few minutes to say several things.  Three weeks ago
today I had to make the hardest decision of my life and help my little
angel, Ozzie, to the bridge.  I first of all want to thank all of you who
emailed me after that post.  To those of you who are against all of the
"sad and negative" emails people post when they lose a furkid, let me be
the first to say that for the one post I sent in, I received over 30 emails
from people letting me know that I am not alone.  Several of these people
lost furkids within a week of my losing Ozzie and we are still in touch.
Those responses were critical in my being able to deal with my loss!  (I'll
get off my soapbox now)
On to bigger and better things.  I promised Ozzie that I would get my next
ferret from a shelter so that one that had been abandoned or abused would
be able to know the love and security that he did.  Saturday my SO and I
went to a local shelter to look at a 1 year old silver mitt (Smokey) that
was up for adoption.  While we were there I noticed a cage with three
ferrets in it, one just kept looking at me.  I asked her about them.  They
were all about 2 - 2 1/2 years and they were found in a local park huddled
together in a muddy tire rut.  She took them out and I picked up the one
that had been looking at me.  His tail was almost bald and his fur was
sooooo brittle and dry.  I questioned the shelter mom about him.  She told
me she named him Rosco and said that they think the symptoms are from
malnourishment, not adrenal (obviously no guarantees).  He kissed my face
and then curled up in my lap and went to sleep.  Needless to say, my heart
went out to this poor little guy.
I made an appointment to go back this morning with my 2 year old, Casper,
so we could see how he would react to another ferret.  My intention was to
introduce him to the one year old, but after we left I couldn't help but
keep thinking about Rosco.  I think, in my heart, I new that I needed to
bring Rosco home.
The shelter mom called me this morning to say that Smokey was adopted
yesterday, but I could still come up.  I took Casper to the shelter and
introduced them.  It was almost like they were old friends.  No fighting or
hissing.  No rough play.  Casper licked his ears and really wanted to just
play with Rosco.  That pretty much decided it.  I filled out the paperwork
and brought him home.  He is currently sleeping, curled up in a towel in
the bottom of the cage.  He's already taken full tour of the house and
seems to be quite at home.
The thing that interests me is this.  He has almost identical markings to
Ozzie.  He has the same temperament - loves to kiss and cuddle.  Follows
you everywhere you go and will beg as soon as you go to the kitchen.  The
erie thing is that Ozzie went to the bridge three weeks ago this morning on
a beautiful, sunny, but cool day (like today).  That same day, Rosco was
found abandoned!  Think what you may, but I can't help but believe that he
was sent to be with me.  Ozzie reincarnated or just a poor lost soul Ozzie
sent to find out what true love and happiness is.  I'm sure I'll find out
when I go to the bridge!
My request to all of you is this: I'm not sure about the name Rosco?!  I am
looking for suggestions.  "Rosco" is a sable male.  About 2 lbs.  Long
pointy nose and slightly larger than average ears.  He is still a little
thin, but a few weeks with me will fix that!  Feel free to email me
personally or through the FML with suggestions.  No matter what we call
him, he will definitely be loved for the rest of his life.
Lisa, Chris, Casper (hey mom, where'd the new kid go!) and "Rosco" (hey
lady, are you my new mommy?)
Never forgetting, always missing and loving Ozzie, Allie and Peanut (the
ferret dog)
[Posted in FML issue 2989]