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Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:00:39 +1100
text/plain (39 lines)
Hello all.
Saw a program on TV last night.
The name was "Pets Behaving Badly"
Kind of a "Candid Camera", but the pets were BAD.
One segment, a barking dog was moderated by natural therapy, and a change
of diet.
Another, a shy, filthy pony was given a make-over.
The bit I tuned in to actually watch, was a 'segment 'about a ferret lady,
who had 8 or so furballs.
It consisted of a ferret stealing a tomato, and trying to put it under
the sofa, and the furballs climbing allover the refrigerator, and in the
Comment was that this woman tolerated this behavior when she would not let
her skin kids get away with that.
Words will be spoken to the program.  With MORONS like this on both sides
of the camera, is it any wonder that there are so many ferrets in such poor
We have to EDUCATE people that ferrets are a LOT of work, but return the
hard work with love.  Programs like this will only serve to continue the
misconceptions about our pets.
Will also mention that their program was NOT favorably reviewed on the OZ
list, and that I, for one, will not tune in again!!!  (I have cable!!!!)
krissy, now off the dizzying height of the soapbox!!!!!!
Forest Hill, VIC
[Posted in FML issue 2988]