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Thu, 9 Mar 2000 12:52:35 -0600
Serena Renee Cissell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
I was reading your posts on aging and had a question.  You talked about
alternatives to kibbled food.  Now wet food I understand, and I do feed wet
food once or twice a day (homecooked, of course).  But I'm confused about
pelleted food.  What's the difference between pelleted and kibbled?  Could
you elaborate on this?  What brands sell pelleted food and which would you
recommend?  I try to leave food out for my fuzzbutts, because one of them
gets so stressed by not not being able to eat whenever he wants that he
gets sick.  He was raised on kibbled food, free-fed, and I can't seem to
switch him over to eating at predetermined times.  So I need to leave
something out for him.  If a pelleted food would be better than kibble,
then I definitely want to know more about pelleted foods.
Serena C. and the not Mo' fuzzbutts: Calliope, Zen, Loki, and Dao
Serena R. Cissell
faded skies ~*~ www.visi.com/~starla
"So you have been sitting here trying to think illogically about logical
possiblities or logically about illogical possiblities?  No wonder you are
     --Delenn, Babylon 5
[Posted in FML issue 2985]