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Tue, 7 Mar 2000 19:24:51 EST
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hi everyone,
Banx has several favorite toys-- I have an elephant puppet that makes an
elephant noise when you squeeze it, Banx likes to play puppet and manages
to make the elephant make its noise.  Sometimes she even runs around with
the elephant on her head..a minature elephant!
Her new maze we made..she pushed a ball with a bell through it in the early
hours of the morning...my wake up call.
We have some rolled carpet and she climbs in then we give her a roll and
you see her little head sticking out a bit, spinning around--that is funny.
She also like to get on top of her tennis ball and drag it all around the
room.  Then she has a few other balls and clothes of mine.
Lately Banx has become an intellectual ferret--knocking out my books from
my shelf--maybe she wants to learn how to be a teacher, too.  She also will
occassionaly take out a children's literature book as well, perhaps she
gets a headache from reading all the college books!
What a joy!!!
You know your a ferret lover if... You can't wait to come home from
school/work to do a war dance.
Hugs to all the ferts out there!!! Hope everyone is well
Laura and Banx
[Posted in FML issue 2983]