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Sun, 5 Mar 2000 21:32:52 -0600
Elwin Bullard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
If you have a ferret who is susceptible to prolapsed rectum do not use
Crystal Clear Litter Pearls.  They can be dangerous if they come in contact
with mucous membranes like rectal tissue.
My Ootz, (7yro Blk Sable) has a problem with prolapsed rectum from time to
time.  Last Wednesday she had a second surgery to remove her right adrenal
gland, it had grown back.  She seemed to be doing fine until Friday night
when she lost her balance.  She tilts to one side and wanted to run because
hubby had tried the pearls and they got attached to her prolapse.  We have
removed the pearls from the house entirely.  The other two girls had no
problem with them.
My question, Ootz seems to be losing weight and is not very steady on her
feet.  I have been giving her Nutrical when I give her her anti-biotics but
she seems to be losing weight despite my best efforts.  What can I use to
force feed her so she will at least hold her own until she is healed from
surgery?  She seemed shocky the other night so we forced some fruit
cocktail syrup down her and eventually she quit shaking.
Ootz has never been big.  At her most she weighed in at only 1.4 pds.
Before surgery she was 1.2 and that was up from her last visit.
I am really scared I may be losing her despite my best efforts and I
realize that 7 is old for a MF ferret but I am open to any and all ideas.
She also had part of one lobe on her liver removed during surgery.  She
still has her left adrenal gland.
Sorry if this seems to be a little rambly.  I just got off work and am
worried about Daddy's best girl, don't tell Possum or Saffy that ;).
[Posted in FML issue 2981]