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Fri, 3 Mar 2000 17:24:10 -0800
text/plain (57 lines)
Every day we have ferrets...
Every day we learn.....
Every morning (0615 or so...) we put one away, leave 2 out....and let loose
the other 13 (who have been confined overnight)
ptsAs ferret owners know, that means 15 ferrets/60 little paws
underfoot!!!.....as one attempts to evacuate the room!
We have tried several things....including:
1----Letting them all out, and throwing a handful of treats (Cheerios and
Bandits) to one end of the room (as we attempt to exit the other end of the
2----Shaking boxes (Cheerios and Bandits) letting all ferrets see us, and
placing them about the room, then letting them out, and we escape.....
3----Getting all the ferrets out, and dispensing treats one by one, until
all are satisfied....then we leave the room...
We have noted flaws in all our methods!
These include:
1---They 'know' we are going to throw treats to the end of the room opposite
the door......and the sly'er ones will hang back, and wait for us to make
the move to the door, and intercept us....or beat us....or just plain foil
our escape!!!!
2---Gets more of the ferrets 'Up and At-em!' but still some know it is a
ploy for us to escape, and will wait at the door only.....
3---This is my personal favorite.....(maybe I love seeing 15 ferrets all
sitting for treats?) but....as only some will eat Cheerios, and some mainly
Bandits, and most of them will eat both.....it becomes nearly impossible to
dispense treats fast enough, not to have the first ones back for seconds,
before some get firsts!
Let alone try to make a escape!!!
This morning, I tried a 'new one'
Here it is......
Bring a dinner plate into the room..... Make a smiley face on the plate
using Ferretvite.....add a small handful of Cheerios to the plate, then
some Bandits, and finally some 8 - 1 Fruit & Crunch Treats on the plate,
then place it on the floor...........and leave the room!  xy only
malfunction this am, was to make the 'treat plate' with all 15 ferrets out
first!  This means I had 15 ferrets 'sitting' (as best as they could....in
order to impress me, and be given the 1st treat) everywhere!  On top of
food bins....play ramps...cages....anywhere in sight of me!
If I can take long enough in making the treats, to get everyone awake and
active enough to use the litterpan, before I open the floodgates.....it
sure cuts down on the 'errant poops' before I can 'evacuate'
Well, that's it from Yakima...
and we remain....
Richard, Debra, and the 16 'Yakimaniacs'
Riki, Tiki, Tavi, Chuckles, Pansy, Clover, Rose, Jester
Joker, Lily, Jasper, Jasmine, Dean, Martin, Rex and Casper
[Posted in FML issue 2979]