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Mon, 28 Feb 2000 02:56:06 -0800
"Michael \"Mick\" Schmid" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Today Amy brought the boys to the Home Depot where I work.  As usual they
were the center of attention!  They do look cute standing in the shopping
cart while being rolled around the store.
There was a handicapped child who wanted to see one.  She is confined to a
wheelchair, and has poor motor control.  Amy placed Loki in her lap, hoping
that he would let her pet him once or twice.  Loki actually stayed in place
for quite some time while this little girl tried to pet him.  Her "petting"
was more along the lines of patting him.  For any of us Loki would put up
with this for about two seconds before he would try to run & play.  One
of our other ferrets, Smoky, who is a bit skittish about being handled by
strangers got onto her lap as well and started giving her kisses!
This little girl was thrilled!!  Her mom and brother also handled the
ferrets, but with less luck, they just wanted to be with her!  I thought
that this was a touching story.  It never fails to amaze me how some
animals can sense when someone is "different" and show more patience and
love.I should also mention that the girl was mentally/emotionally disabled
as well as physically.
Michael "Mick" Schmid
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
(When All Else Fail Play Dead)
[Posted in FML issue 2975]