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Thu, 24 Feb 2000 22:34:22 +1100
text/plain (57 lines)
Hi all!!!
I am a ferret mom!!!!!
drove 90 minutes each way.
found an ad in a metropolitan news paper, saying that there were 4 ferrets,
1 polecat, and three pink eyed whites.
rang and found out that two pink eyed whites were females.
Off we went, got son No.2 on the way.son no 3 was VERY excited.......'gonna
get a fewwet', miss 2 y.o says 'fert, dook, fert'
Master 7 says, "I feed the fish at school, I can look after ANYTHING!!!!!!"
Fiancie is not too sure.  (guess who is NOW laying on the floor PLAYING
with the gal????)
Lady is great, cannot believe that petshops are asking, AND getting
A$120.00 for a ferret.  (mine was A$35.00)
Started handling smaller of two girls, bigger one bit hard, took the petite
She also homed a male that was 'gone' in the rear, he has some mobility,
but not a lot, he is bright and happy......DOOKING like mad!!!!!
Also need OPINIONS.  One breeder stated that "Pink eyed ferrets are
basically ferrets missing the color gene.  I have not found them to be
common and we generally get one in every 30 kits born.  I don't bother
with them."
What is the stand on these ferrets???  Are they given the right to live????
This is he SOLE reason I took my business elsewhere.  I don't like the
attitude that the pink eyed whites are not worth bothering with.
My baby is named Sif, the wife of Thor, and leader of the Valkyries, and an
almost white blonde!!!!!!!!  She is NOT a biter, but likes to chew!!!!, and
she loves to scritch, anywhere there is fur.....she returns the favor ever
so gently with her teeth.  Miss 2 picks her up and cuddles her......gotta
get a lock on the hutch, to protect Sif!!!
I may have problems with sun, and heat, and burning, so I an stocking up on
the sun block, and I have already booked her in for a check up.
immunization and de-sexing!!!!
I am prepared....I hope.
dook, dook, doookkkkkk...where did that step come from?????
krissy, paul, Sif, and the rest
Forest Hill, VIC
[Posted in FML issue 2971]