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Wed, 23 Feb 2000 08:13:38 -0500
text/plain (57 lines)
Hi all of my fellow FML *family*.  I know how hard it is to not want to
post when things are not going well for our fur kids,but...The whole idea
for this post is for support and sharing our experiences with one another..
I know this post is a long overdue one and I wanted to tell all of you
despite my losing my beloved Bandit to insulinoma this past Feb 7th,I have
some very good news about my other fur kid who was at deaths door..His name
is Fatbert.He is a male sable big eyed ferret..It seems just as Bandit was
having seizures Fatbert started to get ill.I now had two fur kids to give
meds to and force feed..I had an appointment to see the vet for Fatbert
and while waiting for that appointment,Bandit had a very bad seizure and
died..I then felt as if my heart had broken in two ..yet I knew I had to
take care of Fatbert..He seemed to be doing worse..He stopped eating and
drinking and just wanted to sleep all day and night..  It was then I
decided he was going to the vet that day and I had noticed Fatbert was now
grinding his teeth ...I took him to the vet and he told me he was losing so
much weight etc..he kept him overnight for testing..So now here I was just
getting over my losing Bandit when now my Fatbert was deathly ill..  I did
not have much time to grieve Bandits death..I picked up Fatbert after
finding out he had an ulcer and fatbert was placed on numerous meds..I was
told to force feed him every few hours..I took one look at fatbert and told
him I was NOT going to lose another fur kid..I then have some great news
today!!  Fatbert did not like being force fed..No way ..so..I had noticed
when I used the feeding syringe he licked the food that came out on the
end..I then decided to try a regular small human spoon..and lo and behold
Fatbert licked it off of the spoon..with gusto..so try and picture a less
then one pound ferret so weak at first licking Geber Baby food off a
spoon..I made sure that everyday he ate at least one full jar along with
some pedialyte..and last nite he went back to the vets for a check up..
and he gained over 100 grams in two weeks..I am so happy because he is
getting so much better now..He is beginning to play and eats on his own
along with my *feeding*him off a baby spoon..He looks at me and it seems
he is trying to tell me "Hey I love you Mommie,but..where is MY baby
food?"<smile>so now the reason for this post is twofold..  I wanted to
thank each and everyone who emailed me with such love and support when
Bandit died and also for the people who knew I had just lost bandit with
words of encouragement for Fatbert..If it wasn't for this wonderful FML
digest,I know I would not be the same..Your love and support kept me
going..Your beautiful emails and cards showed me there were still nice
people left in this world..so now I know how hard it is to read sad posts
but the reason for this post is for support when things don't go well as
well as support when they do..I wish with all of my heart that we never
ever have a sad post again ..but since that is not possible let us all
remember why we have this wonderful ferret digest...to share our
experiences with one another in good times as well as bad...Let us
continue to share with one another happiness as well as sadness..like a
true family...
I thank each and everyone who sent me cards and emails when my Bandit
died..and I will keep all of those ferrets who are ill in my prayers as
you did for me...
Thank you all once again I cannot ever describe just how all of your love
and support DID make a huge difference to me..
Michele and fatbert and ratbert :>)
[Posted in FML issue 2970]