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Sat, 12 Feb 2000 01:29:19 -0800
FerretMom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
>From:    Joan Vick <[log in to unmask]>
>So please, You know your ferrets better than some Vets do.  Don't let
>things go to long.  Its so important to find a good, knowledgeable, ferret
Today, February 12th, 2000 marks two years (!) since a supposedly
knowledgable ferret vet told me to put down my beloved Dancing Bear
because he was "terminal".  He was gaining 4 ounces a *day* in fluid
retention.  The vet (whom I used because my vet was out of town)
performed a tap and pronounced that he had peritonitis and probably
lymphoma.  She said to put him down immediately or do surgery.
I didn't accept her diagnosis.  I took DB home and started to treat him
with Lasix.  Under the guidance of my usual vet, I increased the Lasix
gradually to the current dose of 230% of the maximum recommend dose for
ferrets.  He only tolerates the injectable and gets shots 4 times daily
of .22cc (44mg a day).  We also started him on heart medicines.
DB is now 2 months shy of 8 years old and he is doing just great.  He races
me to the door every morning as I leave and he still loves to be stroked
under the chin.  His kidneys are holding up just fine and he consumes vast
amounts of water to offset the Lasix.  I've been hand feeding him 4 times
daily for two years now since he refuses solid food.  Not bad for a
terminal ferret, huh?
I agree with you, Joan.  Find a good, knowledgeable vet but do your own
research too.  It may save the life of your ferret.
>From:    June Batz <[log in to unmask]>
>A teaspoon once a day can almost sustain a ferret.  It is called Dyne or
>Omega 3 plus, and it has helped immensely to put weight back on hump in a
>weeks time.
A previous vet told me *never* to feed these undiluted.  He wanted me to
use a solution of 3 parts water to 1 part Dyne/Pounds Plus/Pediatric-stat,
etc.  Anyone know this for sure?
[Posted in FML issue 2958]