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Sun, 6 Feb 2000 22:53:36 EST
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Hello everyone,
Sorry it has taken me a little while to get to this update.  The news is
very disappointing I'm afraid.
This Commission is composed of only 3 members, not five.  One has supported
going to notice to consider removing ferrets from the list of prohibited
wildlife in the past (Mr. Theriot) but the other two have strong ties to
the opposition.  Mr. Schuchat has replaced Mr. McGeoghegan who apparently
is no longer on the Commission.  Mr. Schuchat came from the Planning and
Conservation League which opposed our ferret legislative bills.  My father
spoke to him by phone prior to his appointment to the Commission and was
told that the League opposed our bill because they were "asked to by other
conservation groups."  Mr. Chrisman has ties to the Farm Bureau so this was
not a very open-minded Commission.
Without taking the time to recount everyone's presentation, let me just
say that my father's presentation covered material from expert third party
sources that proved that ferrets are domesticated, and that they have not
had an impact on the environment.  In fact, all research shows that they
cannot live for more than a few days in the wild so the environment is
really a threat to the ferret.  Yet this was completely dismissed by the
Commission when they heard from hired gun (lobbyist) Bill Gains of
California Waterfowl who asked that a vote be tabled until the April
meeting in Sacramento when Audubon (and perhaps others) could attend.
Interesting enough, UC Davis Wildlife Biologist Dessley Whisson, who has
consistently testified against this issue and has grossly misrepresented
the facts, came to Long Beach but did not testify.  Instead, she appeared
to be coaching Bill Gains of CA Waterfowl for his presentation!  If anyone
has a connection with UC Davis, I think the taxpayers of this state might
like to know who paid for Ms. Whisson to attend the hearing.  Bill Gains
asked that a study be done and that ferret supporters pay for it.  That's
of course absurd.  No one did a study on cats, dogs or any other
domesticated pet!  He mentioned a "non-biased third party".  If he means
UC Davis, he's got to be joking.  There's not an unbiased bone in the body
of the only UC Davis wildlife biologist I've seen at ferret hearings.  Even
if a study were appropriate, which is most definitely is not, that would be
out of the question.
Ferret folks have waited 5 years (since the Commission voted to go to
notice in November of 1995).  They should not have to wait any longer!  But
this Commission prefers to bow to the opposition and continue to delay even
a consideration of the issue.  The whole episode was incredibly ridiculous.
The hearing in April will be a sham in my opinion, unless one thing
happens-- ferret folks make themselves heard.  CFL and other ferret
organization will be encouraging everyone in the Sacramento area and beyond
to attend this meeting.  Those that cannot, must write to the Commission
and have their friends and family write as well.
Otherwise, organizations like CA Waterfowl and Audubon, who should have
NOTHING to say about which domesticated pet a Californian should choose,
will, indeed choose for you.
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization
[Posted in FML issue 2952]