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Sun, 23 Jan 2000 11:30:44 EST
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To perhaps help to prepare you for the death of your Beloved
1. Have an antacid on hand.  Tums did not help me at all.  Riopan Plus
did.  Chicken broth, baby cereal and milk, vanilla ice cream, and Cream of
Wheat are good foods if you are so upset that you find you are vomiting up
your food.
2. Valerian Root is good to take an hour before bed time to help you to
relax.  It is a non-narcoting, non-addicting, with no side effects that I
am aware of.
3. Have aspirin on hand.  Crying hard may give you sharp headaches.
4. Buy a pair of large dark attractive sun glasses now to be ready to go
out in public when you look like a prune face.
5. Think ahead of time what you may want to do with your beloveds' body.
If burying- start looking for containers and headstones and grave sites.
If cremation, what vessel would be practical, lovely, and not end up in a
box in the garage.  It took me half a year looking about every 3 weeks at
antique stores to find what I wanted.
6. Have paper and pen ready.  You may need to run errands but be unable to
speak.  Jot down what you want on paper to hand to someone for things like
the dry cleaners or bank.
7. Have a box of kleenex or two already.  You will probably want one for
in the car, and by your bed.
Be prepared.  You will find functioning difficult when the loss hits you.
It is not the time to be running around getting these things.
Just my thoughts
[Posted in FML issue 2938]