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Mon, 10 Jan 2000 04:47:04 EST
Kevin Bonner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
The Divine One looked down upon the earth with tears in his eyes.  "Why?",
he thought to himself, "I send my creatures to earth to bring joy, comfort,
love, happiness to the humans.  Why do some mistreat them?".
He called the High Weangle before him.  With sadness in his voice the
Divine One said, "You know who to send him to".  The High Weangle
questioned, "Are you certain Divine One?  That human has been through so
much loss lately.  Are you certain it is wise?".  "Yes", declared the
Divine One, "He is strong, but more importantly, he has the love and
compassion.  You must hurry, there is not much time left.  That child has
been left in the cold and is weak.  He feels unloved.  I cannot have my
creatures returning to me feeling unloved".
             *     *     *     *     *    *     *
The little boy ferret had no idea how he hand come to be at this humans
home.  Funny human did not even know his name, he just called him Little
Boy.  The last he remembered was the cold, dampness, and the dark of the
garage that had been his home.  Oh, this was so different.
He did not have the strength to even open his eyes at first.  He felt warm,
caring hands holding him.  Something was being pressed to his lips.  Then
he could feel something wet.  A small drop landed on his tongue - ummmm
it tasted sooo good.  He ate until his belly was full.  He couldn't even
remember how long it had been since he had last eaten.  He could feel
warmth moving from his belly to his legs.  It was then he could finally
open his eyes.
He had tried to stand but was unable to.  "It's okay", he thought.  The
bed he was in was nice and warm.  The human was so gentle with him.  He
cleaned him and brushed his fur.  It was nice to feel hands touching him
and stroking him again.  He opened his eyes and crawled out from under the
blankie.  The human saw him and spoke, "Hey Little Boy!  Want some more
Fuzzy Soup?".  Little Boy knew he hadn't been here long.  But he was
feeling better.  Sadly he knew it was not to last.
What was that thing that came to him in his sleep?  A Wee...?  Widg...?
Oh, I know - Weangle!  He remembered it said that he must remember what he
feels now because it would last eternity.  The Weangle said he would take
him someplace where he would always feel loved, never be cold, and would
be healthy again.
After the human fed him, he was placed back into the warmth of the blankie.
"No", thought the little fert, "please hold me some more!".  The human must
have seen him sneak out.  He picked Little Boy up and cradled him, holding
him so close.  The human stroked his fur and cuddled him.  Little boy
responded by rubbing his head against the human.
Little Boy thought of what the Weangle had said, "Yes", he thought, "This
is what I always...want....to.....feel.....".  Little Boy then closed his
eyes to sleep an eternal sleep.
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Critter Crew
~Simon~Lacey~Hershey~Sprite~Cuddles~Java~Miss Priss~ ~Cinna~Racer~
Guardian Fur-Angels -
~Furrice~Lady~Zeus~Rascal~Socks~Muttley~Dookesbury~Little Boy~
Prayers to the ill and those who have gone before us.  Hug your fuzzies
while you can, hold them in your heart when you can't.
[Posted in FML issue 2925]