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Sat, 1 Jan 2000 07:12:07 -0800
Marie Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Day 2, everything is going good right now, they still hate the meds, but a
little oil helps, plus a treat after.  Still no jaundice all eating good,
drinking water!  Most of them are sleeping get up and eat, poop, back to
bed.  Bandit, I think is depressed because of missing Tazz, Bandit was like
a Mommie to Tazz, both girls were together until the boys came along.  My
order of Totally Ferret came yesterday, I didn't expect it until middle of
Jan 2000.  Custom duty was bad either, just $11.18, just have to wait for
Donna Jagger to let me know what the exchange was on her Visa card.  I got
a 50% discount, because if 2 or more people order the Victoria Ferret Ass.
gets 50% so for 15 lbs of TF, was 29.33 not counting the exchange rate.
Kids are on totally Ferret now!!!!
Misty is so hyper!!!!  After she get her meds, she is just running around
trying to get into things, She is a good FLO Agent, she gets into any or
everything she can.  We have to redo one snap lock on the cabinet, she get
in and Jim opens the silverware drawer, there she is curled up sleeping,
scare the living daylights out of him.  I showed that to him couple weeks
ago, but with memory loss, he forgot about it.
Please Give all the Fuzzies Hugs and the ones who lost their Babies you are
in our prayers and hearts.  Thank you all for the emails and cards, I will
try to answer them soon.
I took the "Mean Green" back to the store, the clerk asked what the reason
for returning it.  We told her that we lost our ferret from this product.
She said "What!  It says it is bio-degradeable in BIG LETTERS, but in small
letter corriovise (sp)  The clerk was shocked at that, it was misleading
for the consumers andshe check to see if there was a warning for to keep
away from pets, children.  She found none!  "
Sorry to ramble on.  Jim wrote to poem to his children, but I think it
also would be used for the Ferrets since everyone consider them as babies,
children too.  I will scan it and hopefully Sweet Dear Lovable Big will
allow it to be printed on the FML.
Anyone who know Christine Code the moderator of the FFML, she lost her
mother on Dec 22, 1999.  That is one reason why the FFML is not being sent
out, funeral was wednesday or thursday of this week.
Marie and Jim the 6 Fur Kidlets, who missing their friends Tazz, Otis
[Posted in FML issue 2916]