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Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:56:10 EST
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
Merry Christmas all,
I had written a few weeks ago about how I had two deaf ferrets Ping and
Pong.  I wrote you about how I have had ferrets since I was nine, but had
to stop eight years ago when my second son was born with autism.  He was
so violent, I had only one plant left in the house ... and nothing else
Animals fear him by some natural instinct.  And luckily so.  He adores
puppies.  But could only be close to them by far, or by pictures and
movies.  Finally, 2 years ago my mother in law across the country
introduced him successfully to her large one year old golden retriever
named Butch.  Sean has been obsessed so much with him that she "gave" the
dog to him in spirit.  So if you ask...... Sean has a dog named Butch even
though he has only seen him a few times ever.  My mil puts the phone up to
the dogs ear all the time when we call and Sean speaks to him.
Sean had been also emerging from his autism quite a bit the past couple
years and my husband has been begging for animals again.  We started with
snakes and betas in aquariums safe in my bedroom for my other son to see
what happened.  Nothing.  No regard negative or positive for them.
My husband who is even more of a ferret lover than I has been begging.  I
have to deal with this little boy at home 24/7 and I thought maybe it was
time to try ... but I have to tell you I was terrified at the same time.
Folks, I just couldn't handle a sick accident.  I couldn't.  We had already
lost a set of ferrets in a fire that occurred in our first home while I lay
in a hospital that night giving birth to my first son, Chet.  Then once
again we lost a sweet fella due to a blockage.  Although that fire was set
by roofers while we were away, and not to blame ... it was still tragic non
the less.  I still do not what caused such a blockage in our other boy when
I am such a fussy owner.  Those were hard losses.
I had to think of Sean also.  If something happened with a ferret and he,
how would that affect him ... his self esteem if he hurt one horribly.
My husband is the sweetest angel alive.  He has been with me since I was
a kid.  He has taken care of me and the children through illness, and
many hard times.  He still takes care of me as I am mentally ill now
(from a huge nervous breakdown 4 years ago which triggered several mental
illnesses).  I looked in those sweet green eyes too many times and gave in.
This past September I took the plunge, and got him not one, but two kits
and hundreds of dollars of supplies for an early Christmas present.  The
tears from him and thanks still come.  What of Sean though?  Autism has him
so that his is so tactfully defensive, the touch of fur sends him running.
He can smell a fork and thinks it 'stinks'.  Now I bring two ferrets in his
home that he is also completely protective of and won't let most people in!
We haven't changed the furniture or where the cereal is in 8 years because
of his autism.  Noises, and movements can disturb this child right into a
rage.  Now I ask him to share his small home with others, rearrange a room,
have some new odors in the home, change all of our routines, and have these
furry things run about.
The first day passed and he never stuck his little pink fingers in the cage
as I told him not too.  Wow ... he minded ... that's a change.  He did
nothing wrong!  He went to school the next day and when he got off the bus,
he ran as fast as he could to the door.  He flung by me, and threw his coat
and book bag on the floor.  PLOP!  There he sat, in front of the cage one
foot away............staring.  His non emotional angelic face just staring.
The ferret babies were sleeping away.  And he sat.  He sat for 25 minutes
staring.  He never went to wake them up.  Once they stirred ... he grinned
ear to ear, flapped his hands and yelled for me over and over, "mommy,
mommy, mommy....".
I got one out and we held him.  Sean repeated pushed his face all over the
ferrets fur, and took deep wiffs too.  I was floored ... and crying.  Later
that night my friend came over with her little boy to see them and poor
Sean was yelling, and crying!  He did not want anyone to touch, let alone
look at the ferrets.  They were just babies he said.  And he was this
protective for weeks.
He never misbehaved with them.  Ever.  He is gentle and protective (so far).
He is responsible always making sure they get to the potty in time --- he
is the ONLY one in the house besides me that does this well.  He makes sure
everything is just right for them ... and God forbid if someone offers a
treat or a plastic bag hahaha.
If anyone knows anything about autism ... you would surely appreciate what
a miracle this is.  I hope if you don't, I did ok in trying to describe and
get it across to you what a Christmas miracle this is for us.
Merry Christmas ... from me, Scotti, Chet and Sean ... and most of all the
tiny little dookers!
[Posted in FML issue 2886]