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Sun, 26 Mar 2000 12:41:02 -0500
Kathy Cetron <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
This is a little long but I felt compelled to write to the FML and ask if
I am wrong in what I saw...
I was so excited to go to the Ferret Expo yesterday that I woke up early..
on a Saturday mind you....and proceeded to drive the 1 1/2 hours to the
show.  I knew I would see many of you there and lots of charming fuzzies.
Upon arrival I started to make my way around the wonderful exhibits and
meet many ferret lovers and many, many wonderful fuzzies.  As I was going
past the booth of a well known breeder I couldn't believe what I saw!  She
was showing a darling ferret to some "prospective adopters/buyers.  The
ferret was doing what I thought a lot of them do, he was being nippy.  Now
mind you I stood and watched and he looked young and there was NO MARKS, NO
BROKEN SKIN, and NO BLOOD.  I don't know how all of you deal with this but
I usually give them a quick rush of breath and that usually startled them
and they take a breath and let go... I use this very effectively on my
rescue parrots to...It kind of scares them but does not hurt them.  Well
this breeder grabbed this ferret and HIT IT...I mean SMACKED IT on THE
HEAD...not once but TWICE and then proceeded to YANK his WHISKERS and pull
his head to one side..all the while screaming "Bad ferret..NO, NO"  Well
let me tell you I was horrified!..I was a Humane Officer for the Humane
Society before I moved and I would probably cite her for cruelty.  That
display was un-called for.
Then I went to the AFA table to report what I saw.  They looked at me like
I was from another planet.  Then the two women in charge proceeded to tell
me that was an ACCEPTABLE WAY to deal with a "Vicious or Biting" ferret.
Furthermore she said that she knew the breeder well and that she was
"gentle" with her ferrets and would never "abuse" them.  She then proceeded
to go over to the breeder and tell her what I said and pointed me out.
So what I want to know is does the AFA REALLY SANCTION this way of handling
"biting" ferrets?  IF so I know I don't want to support them.  And if this
ferret was that "VICIOUS" then what was it doing at a show for adoption?
And we as "ferret people" are suppose to educate the public or new ferret
owners on the "proper" way to handle ferrets....and folks you now what?...
I think this ways stinks...so if you agree with me please let the AFA
know...because what I witnessed was clearly a case of abuse and we can't
stand for that.
I tried to find a local humane officer there but to no avail...so I got in
my car and drove home..what a long drive it was...This has bothered me all
night and I just pray that the other ferrets in her care are not subject to
the same or worse..
Kathy and her gang of 13
[Posted in FML issue 3002]