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Tue, 8 Feb 2000 16:58:54 -0600
"Crompton, April" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Hello, everyone.
*****I am using my work email in order to separate and get the best
attention on the difference in the mixed up screennames....I guess it's
time for me to come out of my lurking around shadow.....There are two
screennames that are so much alike....in the earlier post, I was notified
by several people regarding the ADV posting.  My screenname is "Ferretmoms"
and the one that was posted in the earlier FML is "Ferretmom" without an
"s".  It is perfectly natural that some people would mix us both.  I think
both names are pretty neat one way or another.  Easier to remember and tell
us apart is that this particular "Ferretmoms" is made up of two deaf women,
April and Deb, that own and operate a ferret shelter and rescue called,
"Wardancers' Ranch and Rescue" for over 10 years now.
****Everyone that is involved in the ADV issue, I strongly support for the
treatment and cure that may eventually come one of these days as well as
for many other diseases that ravages our fuzzbutts daily.  Technology is
getting better all the time and I pray for those cures to come very soon.
We all need that for poor kids that need our help the most.
****Ferrets of all colors, breeds, sizes, shapes, etc.  despite of their
good/bad upbringings - they all never reject, judge, or criticize us in our
appearances, our time schedules, made mistakes with them as we learn to
understand their ferrety world, and much more.  They just want only one
biggest thing...our love for the fuzzballs...for us all humanies to
communicate and help another humanie to help ferrets in getting what they
need, understanding them better, learn how to treat and care for ferrets
with diseases and handicaps.  They cannot survive or get better medically
without us being united as one huge ferret family and put our heads and
hands to start pounding in humming chorus on tables, find a treatment or
cure, accessories such as wheelchairs and prothesises, medications,
alternatives for all of those wardancers.  I may get flamed here, but we
do not really have time to point fingers, flame other people, kill other
people's reputations, and/or seek revenges.  I know that when there is an
"outbreak" I'm sure when people found out about it, they felt horrible in
possibly exposing some to others.  That's the worst feeling in the world, I
think.  AIDS has been around here since 1940's and I know this because I
worked in medical profession and so is my sister.  Only we didn't know AIDS
has been around until the "outbreak" back in 1984.  It goes for many other
things.  Ebola outbreak occured in Zaire back in 1970's and we didn't panic
until the next "outbreak" that happened not too long ago.  Who knows, there
are many other outbreak viruses going on right now that we may not know as
of today that we will soon discover later on?
God knows, we all humanies have better communication and technology as well
as simple methods to keep the world safe yet we destroy ourselves anyways
because we just don't want to put time and effort to prevent outbreaks and
problems, but to preserve the place we live in.  Ferrets didn't ask to have
those diseases, do not destroy Earth, do not use ignorance as a blissful
motto of their own but to share Earth with us.  They also do not demand for
us to treat them like kings and queens, but we do anyways because they show
us a world of love and traits that we couldn't help but bond ourselves to
them.  I can get on the floor, pound on the floor with my fists and feet,
cry and scream and says, "Why me....." as a deaf person, but I refuse to
stoop myself to that level.  Why?  Because as I see it, ferrets and myself
as a deaf person - we are easily misunderstood by the society and be
clumped together with some kind of stereotype silliness.  I use my deafness
to my advantage where I can watch, get on the floor and learn to understand
and be a team together on anything.  If I am healthy, that's all I wanted.
So does those fuzzbutts.  I have all kinds of ferrets at home - blind,
sick, bald, paralyzed, missing body parts, shredding biters, etc.  yet I
see them all as one beautiful group of family members.  If I found out that
any of my 55 ferrets are tested ADV positive as a result from someone's
exposure...I will say my blessings and bring all the best of everything for
them in my arms to the end.  No question about it.  I have more than few
incredible miracles that some of my ferrets pulled through one of the
worst, horrible ordeals from their past and I sit and watch them wardance
with a shiny glint in their eyes and a goofy expression on their face.
What more could I ask for?  I'm in ferret heaven as far as I'm concerned.
We do not have time for anger.
Think about it. Thanks.
April and Deb
Wardancers Ranch and Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 2954]