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Sun, 6 Feb 2000 23:18:58 -0500
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This is my first post to the FML and after several attempts of various of
a solution that have not worked, I figured I better ask for some help.  We
have 8 fur babies and 1 foster baby and we have a problem.  Our Emme is
our resident bully.  All 1lb. 2oz. of her.  She is a very tiny silver mitt.
But in her case don't let her size fool you.  She and her sister came to us
about 2yrs ago from a abusive situation.  Emme just recently had a liver
biopsy which led to adrenal surgery.  During this time of her recovery, we
brought home a foster baby, Lil' Bear.  And we had another baby that was in
house recovering from some serious problems.  Our problem now is that Em
won't leave the 2 newest ones alone.  This goes way beyond pecking order
and who here first.  Its like she is on a search and destroy mission.  I'm
beginning to think she part bloodhound.  Even if the newer ones are in a
pile under the other she will root down and drag them out.  Its like fight
nite.  The other two for some reason won't try to defend themselves and if
they do, it worse.  We have tried the "time out cage" and bathing them
together in the same shampoo, and if some instances letting them fight it
out.  But Em gets sorta vicious.  We know that they can be territorial but
she is taking this to a whole new level.  I realize that we may just have
to put her in a separate cage.  We love ALL our babies and don't want them
to be hurt or emotionally stressed out.  We welcome all and any suggestions.
We like to have your input
Linda, Bill & the cast of 8 + 1
Emme, Lizzie(Borden), Katie, Dessa, Ashala, Bandit, Mr Lucky, Cosmo and
foster babe Lil' Bear
[Posted in FML issue 2952]