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Sat, 27 Nov 1999 23:29:20 EST
Sandy Repper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Further down the road,they came to a rapidly flowing river with only one
bridge.On that bridge was the biggest ferret they had ever seen,and he let
out with the largest yawn they had ever seen.
"Peace friend.",Hood hailed the large fuzzy,though he was a bit concerned
about his size.
"I have a bad feeling about this.",worried Muck,looking the huge fuzzbutt
up and down.
Ferret Hood moved to pass the stout fellow on the left,but he moved over in
front of Hood.Hood then moved to the right,and again found his path
blocked.  "What gives?",Hood inquired.
"You do." the massive mustelid said while completing a yawn."The Sheriff of
Knotingham has taken all our food and treats(yawn),so now we have to waylay
wealthy strangers just to keep our families fed.(yawn) You can pay me or
fight me to cross this bridge."
"Well,since I've never paid a highwayman,and don't have the money now
anyway,I guess I'll have to fight you," Hood answered bravely "but first I
must know who I'm fighting."
"Little Yawn." the beefy fellow replied, while yawning."
"Little,I doubt." snickered Hood."Yawn,I can see is true.Alright then,
Little Yawn,let's get to it."
Ferret Hood rushed forward intending to push Yawn over.He just bounced off
of Yawn,shook his head,and knew he had a tough opponent,and was in for the
fight of his life.He went for Yawns' tummy thinking to catch him off guard,
and tip him over,using his large size against him.Little Yawn just sat his
body down on top of Hood,who found it hard to breathe with this heavyweight
on top of him.He squirmed and flattened and gradually inched his way out
from under Yawns'massive body.
"You fight well,my friend." Hood admired.
Yawn bowed his head in acknowledgement,and Hood saw his chance.Friar Muck
moved in closer to get a better view of the fight.Hood had jumped on Yawns'
back and was hanging on to his neck for all he was worth.Yawn started
spinning around faster and faster.The fasterYawn went,the further out
Hoods' hind end went.Suddenly Hood felt a thump,and knew he had hit
something,what he didn't know.There was a loud splash and spluttering,but
Hood knew it wasn't Little Yawn,as he still had hold of his neck.Hood let
go,hopped off and peered over the edge of the bridge.Yawn was looking over
too,and started to snicker.Hood started chuckling too,when he saw Friar
Muck swimming for the river bank.
"Guess that takes care of this years bath,Muck." he laughed.He turned to
Little Yawn and told him their stories,and invited him to join them in
getting back at the Sheriff of Knotingham and Prince Litterbox.Little Yawn
agreed that it was better to fight a common enemy instead of each other,and
they set off in the direction in which a wet Friar Tuck had danced off.
As translated from the dook by Sandy and Fuzzbutts
[Posted in FML issue 2879]