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Wed, 17 May 2000 07:18:00 -0700
"Aileen N." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Has anyone here used Furovite (Marhshall's) instead of FerretVite (8-in-1)?
I never used it before.  But I needed to do ferret toenails last night.  I
always put FerretVite on the belly to distract the unlucky victim.  So I
went to PetCo to get some and they were out.  FIGURES!  Since I was
desperate, I bought Furovite instead.  What a mistake!
I was assuming it was the same consistency as FerretVite, so I grabbed the
first victim (poor Kyle) and slathered some Furovite on his tummy.  It came
out very thick and very sticky.  Of course Kyle had to kick his feet about
before settling in to lick.  So there was Furovite on each back foot, on my
jeans, my hands, and the clippers.
When I was done clipping, Kyle decided he'd had enough and flipped himself
off my lap onto the bathroom floor.  With Furovite still stuck to his
tummy, he proceeded to sliiiide along the floor, the bathmat, my shoes,
Slinky's tail, a bathtowel and their playbox.  So now there is Furovite
on everything in the bathroom shorter than 6 inches.
I sigh and move on to Slinky.  I had learned my lesson and was much more
stingy with the Furovite application.  Still, he rolled over once and
planted a nice Furovite kiss on my jeans.  After I was done with him and
put him on the floor, he immediately began to assist Kyle in getting the
remaining stuff of his belly.
So I moved on to the girls.  Sandy was a piece of cake and even got extra
treat after she was done.  Noel hates having stuff put on her belly, so
doing her nails is usually a bit of a struggle.  But she must have been
sleepy, and her trimming was quick and painless as well.
I spent the rest of the night with a warm, wet rag wiping up the bathroom
and tossing the towels, jeans, and rug into the wash.  Luckily Kyle and
Slinky were able to get Kyle's belly pretty clean, so I didn't subject him
to the horror of a bath. :-)
Aileen & the Herd minus one Herdling
Slinky, Kyle, Noel, Sandy, & Rootie the beagle
Missing Gizmo so much. We love you, baby.
Check out the Herd's website at:
[Posted in FML issue 3055]