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Sat, 8 Apr 2000 05:28:06 -0500
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I am CONSTANTLY asked to look at one web site or another that advertises
animal diets and products.  Quite honestly, most of the time I find them
not worthy of a recommendation for one reason or another.  Recently, I was
emailed about a site which is specifically dedicated to feline nutrition
and diet, not ferret diet.  However, since many people feed their ferrets a
kibbled or other diet specifically formulated for cats, I thought bringing
this single site to your attention might be worthwhile.  Remember, although
cats and ferrets are different animals and have followed different
evolutionary paths, much of what is true about the diet of one is true for
the other.
Understand?  I saw the site, noted that they seemed more interested in
education than selling their product and looked through their product line.
BUT, I have not tested the foods, nor have I looked at depth at their
claims (which are many, but at least they offer a bibliography of sorts) so
I cannot make a fair statement regarding their products.  On the surface
(and surface only--I have not tested anything), some of the foods may be a
suitable substitute for Bob's Chicken Gravy for those who cannot find the
time or the iron stomach to make it.  Note I said *MAY*; I plan on
investigating this product further.
So why bring the site to the attention of the FML?  Three reasons;
1) many ferret owners have cats or rely on cat foods for their ferrets, and
the site offers what seems to be good alternatives to commercial dry foods,
2) the cat is a obligate carnivore (like the ferret) and many of the
dietary aguments for the one works for the other, and
3) because the site may be a source for hard to obtain dietary supplements.
The URL is:  http://www.felinefuture.com/products/index.html.
I am not saying or implying anyone should buy this stuff; I told you, I
haven't even tried it myself, so I have no idea of the quality.  But it
might be valuable to read what they have to say about a feline diet, check
out their references, and use that to evaluate what I and some other people
have been saying about ferret diets lately.  Some of what is said will only
apply to cats, that is true.  But the basic argument can apply for any
obligate carnivore, especially one as close to the cat as ferrets are.  I
think those interested should read it and learn.  If anyone uses the
product, I request they inform the FML of the quality and price, as well as
any noticable benefits from feeding it to their ferrets.  That's the best
anyone can do.
I want to thank the person who brought this site to my attention.  They may
have wanted to inform the FML themselves of the site and if I "stole" that
pleasure from them, then I sincerely apologize (but look at it this way; if
the site turns out to be a boondoggle, then *I* will be taking the heat!).
When first asked to look at it, I asked several people I look upon as
intelligent and trustworthy (they don't ALWAYS agree with me!) and well
versed in the aspects of various dietary issues to look ar the site, and
they thought it was at least educational.  On that basis alone, the site
is worth visiting to read for the information.  As always, I encourage you
to be skeptical, read the references, and ask hard questions.  YOU are the
only advocate your ferret has; stand up for them and do what is right.
There is an old saying I learned from my photojournalist days: "It is not
libel if it is true."  Asking hard questions will not harm a product if it
is good.
Bob C and 16 Mo' Obligate Playivores
[Posted in FML issue 3016]