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Tue, 28 Mar 2000 05:19:26 PST
Kalaine Patterson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hello everyone,
My name is Kalaine.  I am an occasional poster, but everyday reader.  I
have two fuzzies Jezzy-belle and Taz-arina.  My girls are two yrs. old.  I
started posting in Dec. when both girls came down w/ ECE.
I have a question.  Every once in a while Jezzy makes a wheezy sound.  It
is like she can't breath.  Last year I took her to the vet for it.  I had
come home and she was making the noise and she was shaking.  My husband
and I rushed her to the vet.  They were walking out the door, and we were
running in.  Of course she didn't make the noise at all while we were
there.  They listened to her heart, felt her tummy, x-rays, and nothing.
One Thanksgiving I asked my husband to watch them while I took a nap.  We
were at his parents non-ferret proof house.  When I woke up I found Jezzy
alone in a closet.  The next day she started making the noise, we rushed
her to the vet, and surprise she had the largest ubstruction the vet had
ever seen.  He told us to try hairball first.  Every two hrs.  It worked.
She passed (sorry to be gross) a section of sweatshirt she had eaten while
alone in the closet.  (By the way I no longer leave my husband alone w/ the
girls.  I supervise them all :) Mommy never gets any sleep)
She is making the noise again.  I have been trying the hairball, but for
some reason I think it must be something else.  Could it be asthma?  Do
ferrets get allergies?  I am taking her to the vet for x-rays tomorrow.
She is active, playing, but it seems like she can't breath when she is
making this noise.  Does anyone know what it could be?  It is a gasping
noise from like her nose and mouth.  Her nose is still cold and wet.
I would be thankful for any advice
Kalaine(mommy), Jezzy(sick baby), and Taz(super ferret)
[Posted in FML issue 3004]