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Fri, 24 Mar 2000 09:12:25 EST
Marc Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hello to all the ferts and fert parents!
The New Tres Amigos (Rocky, Sam and Chloe) insisted that I send in a post
for the #3000 Special Edition FML!  What a great family we have here in
the FML!
<<FLO injection software initiated>>
Hello Fellow Fuzzies!  This is Special Agent Rocky reporting to you from
Northern Virginia.  We have scored a great victory over the evil Canine
Kaos Operation (CKO)!
Let me give you some background.  In October 1999 we were invaded by an
evil CKO operative code named Rosie.  She is a horror!  She chases us all
across the apartment and tries to slobber all over our backs.  YUCK!  Since
Sam and I are big boys we sometimes play with Rosie, but that's another
story!  Rosie got to stay out all night with us early on and that cut down
on our play time (every time we left our hidey holes, she was there to
"greet" us).  So I gave Rosie the suggestion that it would be fun for her
to chew on the vertical blinds (hehehe).  Dumb dog went right over and
started chewing!  Now Rosie is locked up in a cell every night for
"training"!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Here is where it gets good so listen up all you fuzzies...
I have found that Agent Rosie cannot stand to see us roaming around free
while she is locked up.  She paws the cage, barks and makes a general
racket.  Since Rosie's cage is in Dad's bedroom, the sound wakes him up.
He doesn't appreciate being wakened at all hours of the morning.  He's so
cranky!  Well .... get this - he scolds Rosie for making such a ruckus!
Now I just prance by Rosie and wait for Dad to scold her!  What a perfect
plan!  I can do it multiple times a night to boot!  WOOHOO!
Well, enough gloating!  I just wanted to let all you fellow ferts know of
one great method to get the upper hand on those CKO operatives.
This is Special Agent Rocky signing out for the New Tres Amigos (Rocky, Sam
and Chloe)
<<FLO injection software terminated>>
Marc Wilson and the New Tres Amigos (Rocky, Sam and Chloe
[Posted in FML issue 3000]