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Wed, 22 Mar 2000 21:39:59 EST
text/plain (28 lines)
Took my two ferrets in today for their distemper shots.  For my own peace
of mind, checked with my vet if I could use benadryl.  He said "it was ok,
but needed ferrets names to verify the dose to give each, because their
weight was different." Weight determines the dose to be given.  Please
check with your vet if benadryl is alright and how much to give.We didn't
know Rascals shot history and Fluff Fluff has received two distemper shots
with no problem.  About 10 minutes after the shot Fluff Fluff started to
vomit.  So back to see the vet we go.  We were taken to a better equipped
area and Fluff Fluff was immediately administered benadryl and a steroid.
He continued to vomit for a few more minutes.  The doctor said "we could
leave him there and they would monitor him." I said " if he is going to
die, I'd rather stay and hold him." Thirty minutes later, Fluff Fluff again
is vomiting.  Doctor administered a shot of dex (forgot the word he used).
Now 30 minutes later, Fluff Fluff's vomit and stool contained blood.  The
doctor administered another shot of a steroid.  There is nothing more the
vet can do so we took him home.  Vet advised to call if any more problems
occurred.  Mentioned to the vet to notify the distemper manufacturer about
Fluff Fluff's reaction.
Have to admit, this reaction has caused me to consider not giving our other
three anymore distemper shots.
It's been a few hours since all this happened and I am happy to say Fluff
Fluff is doing fine.
[Posted in FML issue 2998]