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Sun, 5 Mar 2000 19:58:52 -0600
"First annewilli:Last" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
I am pleased to announce the addition of ferret #4 to the family!  Bear was
adopted Saturday from Judy with Cloud Nine Ferrets.  What a sweet boy he
is!  Bear is a DEW/Champagne mix, with the biggest (most innocent!) eyes I
have ever seen on a ferret.  Joe picked Bear out of the assortment that
Cloud Nine has right now.  They play SO well together!!!  Joe finally has a
little buddy.
All are settling in.  Joe plays hard with Bear and then goes and crashes.
Periodically I get this look of " Okay... can he go home now so I can
rest?".  But they slept in a pile last night and are behaving much like
siblings already.  Life is good.  Miesa is a little put out.  She being the
Emergency Backup Alpha has to put the new kid in his place.  Since Bear is
twice her size and thinks it's all a big game anyway, she's been
struggling.  The upside is that I have a lap ferret while she tries to
figure it all out.  Snuggling with me seems to make it all better.  Tas
(the true Alpha) doesn't care as long as he stays out of her way.  I think
she's glad to have another great big lug to snuggle with.  Tiny little
Tazzy gets cold!
Bear, for his part, is settling down.  He was very jittery when he first
arrived.  Every time I moved he jumped about a foot and tore off to hide.
Half a tube of Nutrical later, I am the ferret goddess of joy.  He's even
let me snuggle some!  He seems fasinated by all the fuzzie paraphenalia.
The rice box has been a BIG hit!  Talk about War Dancing for Joy!
Many thanks to Judy for expediating the process and sending Bear our way.
He's the perfect addition to the family.  The house may not be standing in
a week, but Joe sure is having a good time!
Tas (Where's Electric Blanket Boy?  I want a nap...)
Miesa (Darnit Mom... I just about had this place whipped into shape.)
Joe ( Yahoooo!!!!)
and now... Bear (And I can play with this, and I can play with this, and
then there's the rice box...)
[Posted in FML issue 2983]