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Mon, 6 Mar 2000 06:09:39 PST
Shannon Kennedy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hello all FML's
Okay my lurking days are finally over!!  I have never written to this list
before and have been reading it for about 6 months now.  And have answered
quite a few posts privately.
I have to start by saying that this does not apply to all and those of you
who it does apply to I believe you know who you are.  I will refrain from
using names because if I did I would be no better than them.
I am totally appalled at the behavor of members of this list.  I do believe
that the reason behind this list is to dicuss ideas, beliefs and to get
help.  But when people have their own opinions about, say a certain
magazine they are flamed and threated.  SO WHAT if this person does not
like this particular magazine and stated the reason behind their dislike,
that is what this list is for.  If people are not allowed to discuss their
opinions or beliefs what is the point of even having this list?  There are
certain people on this list who are very opinionated to the point that they
are down right rude, I don't believe there is a need for it.  It would
appear that they believe that only their opinion matters and to hell with
every one else.
I don't know how willingly I would be to subject myself to the abuse that
is demonstrated on this board to be a regular participant.  Everyone has
a right to their opinion, and if one does not agree with it they can
rationally discuss their opinion without flaming and threating.  If someone
feels the need to flame and sling mud it should be done in a private
e-mail.  I like this board and think it is wonderful other than that fact.
Lets face facts most of us are not ferret "experts" and only want whats
best for our little fuzzies, I don't think flaming, threating, and mud
slinging are in their best interest.
Hopefully within time things will change, but until then this is me going
back into lurk mode.
Shannon and Raz.
[Posted in FML issue 2982]