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Wed, 23 Feb 2000 13:36:36 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
Hello all.
In answer to Sukie's comments about her ferrets and her herbs: I've got a
Savina Red pepper plant in the room with the ferrets.  The room is actually
the 'Game Room' of my big old victorian house.  The ferrets have only been
playing in this room for a few months now.  Originally they had a room
upstairs to play in, but that room needs to be remodeled.  Unfortunately,
the remodeling will have to wait awhile until money can be set aside for
it.  I've also found that running around in the Game Room, with it's smooth
wood floors, the ferrets are getting more exercise from their play time.
Overweight Sam especially is benefiting.  He walks more normally and has
more muscle control every day.  But back to the plant.  The Savina pepper
is in a 14" pot.  That means it's 14" in diameter but also 14" in height.
At first, I left it in the room when I let the ferrets out.  They didn't
seem to be able to get up the slick (too slick!) sides.  But then China
made a liar out of me.  She got into the pot and was merrily digging away
around the edges when I caught her.  And of course, she's a DEW
(essentially) and deaf.  By the time I got over the gate and across the
room to the pot, she was covered in dirt and there was dirt on the floor
for the others to play in too.  I went to clean up China and when I came
back, Christopher was rolling in the dirt on the floor.  Off I went to
clean another ferret.  Ever since then, I risk a hernia to take the plant
out of the room.  No more digging in the dirt for China.  At least, not
inside the house.
The Savina, by the way, is the hottest pepper in the world.  4 times hotter
than a habanero.  Luckily, the ferrets never got to the peppers themselves.
I'd hate to think what would have happened if one of them had bit into one
to carry it off.  Ouch!
For Krissy, who is getting married (Congratulations!): Dooking is the
chuckling sound that ferrets make when they're excited.  My guys dook
best when they get play time.  They run around and wardance and make this
laughing, chuckling, bubbling sound.  If you listen closely, it sounds zz
like they're saying "dook dook dook" repeatedly.  That's dooking.
In regards to Erin feeding Fiesta Brand food with the fruit bits and stuff:
I picked up a small bucket of that right after Christmas.  The store had
it on sale so I figured to take a look.  I use it as a treat for the gang
only.  They also go for the goodies first and foremost.  I personally think
there's too much sweet in there to be a regular food but I may be wrong.  I
also think the actual kibble is too small.  They almost don't have to chew
it and I'd rather they not swallow the stuff whole and maybe choke on it.
I prefer to stay with a mix of Iams Kitten and Totally Ferret.
Well, that's enough rambling. Gotta go. There's work to be done.
Anastasia Kidd
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[Posted in FML issue 2970]