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Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:13:38 EST
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (90 lines)
Once upon a time there was a special boy named Sean.  Sean had a great
family and home, but he was still lonely at times.  There were many
difficult obstacles to overcome through the years for this little boy that
was nicknamed "the sunshine".  Something unexpected happened and he bonded
with little angel creatures called ferrets that his daddy one day brought
home with him.  The ferrets were deaf and were named Ping and Pong.  Sean
knew exactly what it was like to not be able to speak, communicate or even
"hear" at times because Sean was autistic.
Meanwhile as Sean was learning to love and be kind to animals, he
experienced great changes for the better.  Things seemed so much happier.
But the sunshine had much to learn.
Up in heaven God was saying good-bye to a little baby ferret.  God smiled
and told the ferret he was to get lots of love down on earth.  He painted a
chocolate line all around the baby ferret's nose, and then right down the
middle outlining it.  He said this is to remind his human to give lots of
kisses.  Then he dabbed little chocolate freckles around the ferrets face.
He said these will be important later.
So baby ferret awoke with a nice ferret mommy and brothers and sisters.
Things were going well.  He could hear everyone just fine, and his eyes
were beginning to open so he could see his mommy when all of a sudden big
human hands took him away.  He was taken away too early.  He was put in
transport to a place called a pet store.  The baby ferret cried and no one
answered.  He still could not quite see yet.  Finally he ended up in this
place called a pet store only to feel so ucky.  The uckiness grew worse and
worse until he was so sick he couldn't really get up.  He could not eat and
drink.  His eyes were infected and sealed closed so bad he thought he would
go blind forever.  He felt like he was burning up and could not breath.
He could still hear, and heard the humans talking to a sweet voice.  The
sweet voice said he had pneumonia.  The human that this sweet voice
belonged to picked him up, and said he was so tiny he fit into the palm
of a hand.
Soon he was traveling again.  The sweet voice brought him to a warm cuddly
place called a ferret shelter and gave him the name, Chester.  He was so
tired.  He was too tired to eat, drink and now breath.  An angel came down
to earth and whispered in his ear, "sweet baby ferret please fight harder,
it is not time yet to come back".  The ferret said, "but God said I would
get love and I did not get that except from my mommy and she is gone now.
I am alone.  And what is this kiss thing, I do not know."  The angel said,
"this couple is willing to love you and help you fight to live.  If you
live you will get great love from these sweet human voices here.  You are
here for a purpose.  There is a very special baby boy human that needs you
desperately.  He will love you, and give you kisses." Baby ferret said,
"when will he be here?  How will I know him?" The angel said, "This
sunshine boy is still learning to be a ferret daddy.  It will take much
time.  But he will come don't worry.  You need time to get well, grow,
and learn ferrety things here.  You will know this boy as he will have
chocolate freckles on his face just like you".  And the angel disappeared!
Months passed and Sean was learning to cuddle, play, talk, and be a good
ferret daddy.  His parents looked for a special ferret for him, but had not
found one yet.  Back at the ferret shelter baby ferret was getting lots of
loves and kisses.  He got better and grew really big.  He learned lots of
ferrety things from his friends at the shelter.
One day baby ferret heard noises and a clammer.  He opened his eyes that
could now see keenly with and saw lots of humans big and small.  Next thing
he knew, the human with the sweet voice lifted him from his home and put
him in another humans arms.  He heard a funny laugh and looked up to see a
boy with chocolate freckles like him.  Then the boy kissed his ferret nose!
He heard the boy ask if the ferret was special and he listened to his story
told by the sweet voice as the boy warmly hugged him.
The boy was named Sean he found out.  Baby ferret Chester and Sean chased
each other and got to know each other.  Then baby ferret found him self
sleeping in the boys arms.  He heard how his new name would be Rocky
because he was such a fighter, and because he liked to rock as he drifted
off.  When he awoke ... he awoke to see a home all to himself.  He had new
a liter pan, new cage, a cheweasil, and everything he ever wanted.  He
missed his old toys but the new toys were really cool.  He missed his
ferret friends, but he got two new brothers named Ping and Pong now!
Late at night before bed Sean cuddles and hugs Rocky and rocks him to
sleep.  He can hear Sean's mommy telling the family the story of "Rocky and
Sean".  He got kisses from Sean's sweet baby lips on his nose as he slept.
He realized that Sean was also very special, and remembered all that God
told him.  He dreamt of the sweet voices, and old friends.  And he dreamt
of a special little boys laughter, and the chase games they play happily
ever after.
for Sean and Rocky
KITY=^..^=KAT's Fur Faces, A Cristmas Miracle ...for Sean
[Posted in FML issue 2963]