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Wed, 16 Feb 2000 16:19:58 -0500
KiSta Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hello FML'ers,
Well, no good news, but no awful news either on the trial against Linda
Rodriguez for animal cruelty.
The trial was basically postponed until she petitions the superior court of
NJ to try to get some of the evidence supressed.  I don't know exactly what
she's trying to have supressed, but I'm guessing its the four or five rolls
of film taken at the time of seizure.  Very graphic, damning stuff.
So, that leaves us nowhere.  No judgement in the case, no testimony given
by the SPCA inspector, me, or my vet.  Basically just the same position
that we were in before...she's still actively open and taking in animals,
and Im sick to death at the thought of it.  Today was simply 2 hours spent
gritting my teeth looking at this person who makes me nauseous, and losing
time from work.  Very frustrating.
As soon as I hear the next date of trial, I'll let you all know.
For the entire story of the cruelty, check out my website at
Please help us help the ferrets by visiting Igive at
http://www.iGive.com/html/ssi.cfm?cid=4030&mid=7501   We receive $10.00 for
every new person who signs on, and its totally free to help us.  Thank you
from the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2962]