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Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:53:05 -0500
Jackie Hawley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi Everyone!
Have to do this quick while mom is busy with some other sick babies but
wanted to let all of you know I'm feeling real good even though I still
have the hole in my mouth.
There's so many of you I need to thank for all the good wishes, cards,
sleep sacks, donations and the gift certificate.  If I haven't emailed
you privately yet, I will real soon.
Mom took me to PetsMart and let me choose a bunch of toys with the gift
certificate and boy, did I have fun seeing new peoples and smelling lots of
new smells.  My nose was soooo busy twitching!  I got lots of soft balls,
ping pong balls and some other good things plus a new bed.  Playing in the
bathtub with all the balls rolling around makes mom laugh.  I've been
showing off how I can jump in the tub all by myself and pushing the balls,
then I like to tuck them under my belly and scoot all around.  Only problem
is finding a place to hide them!
I'm kind of frustrated cause I can't eat!  When I smell food I really want
some!!  I guess I made mom feel real bad cause she said she's not gonna
cook anymore.  (As if she did anyhow, hehe, all she knows how to make is
duck soup.)
It's late and mom says she wants a nap before my next feeding so I guess I
should let her sleep.  I'll write more in a few days.
Thank you all so much.  Here's hoping your raisin jar is full!
Dooks & hugs,
PS Katrina, your email keeps bouncing back....please send your correct
[Posted in FML issue 2962]