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Tue, 1 Feb 2000 10:48:24 -0800
Kathy Carl <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
To Chris Libbey,
Please do not be offended by the poem.  I have adopted 6 ferrets from
good people such as yourself that for whatever reason could not give
their precious ferrets the time that they need, lives change sometimes
drastically and situations change and we sometimes do not have control of
these situations.  I do pray that I will never be faced with the decision
of having to find homes for my animals it would kill me.  But you never
know, 9 years ago I found myself homeless with a 6yr old son thankfully I
did not own any pets at that time and I had good friends to take us in.
I wish I lived near you I would certainly adopt them from you I have 4 now
3 are waiting at Rainbow's Bridge, but from your e-mail address it seems
you are from Maine I live in Pennsylvania and I don't travel much.  So good
luck finding them a home and know that you are not a bad person for wanting
the best for your babies.
[Posted in FML issue 2947]