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Tue, 1 Feb 2000 01:56:20 EST
"Meg Carpenter, Chaotic Ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (79 lines)
Hello all - Well, here it is another week and yesterday we had another snow
plus an ice storm.  North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland had just opened
and here we get hit again.  Ice on top of snow, frozen as hard as a pond in
winter.  The only good thing was that it was Super Bowl Sunday and except
for beer and snack runs, there were no cars on the road here, or elsewhere
in the United States.
My husband braved the storm for quagamoule and chips but otherwise was
glued to the tube like everyone else.  Half way through the game, I asked
him who was playing...... I watched a movie and sumptiously dined on my
childhood snow day favorite - grilled chees sandwich with dill pickle and
hot chocolate with puffed marshmallows.  Did you know that ferrets like
grilled cheese sandwiches?  I didn't.  Or just didn't remember because the
last time I had one was about four years ago during last bad winter.
Anyway, today the sun was out!  This did wonders for the roads but
everything else was pretty icy.  No hope for it though, had to get to
grocery store and pet supply store again.  Boy, those kits eat a lot.  Not
to mention the other 20 ferrets or so in my house.  At least I think there
are 20, they do move awfully fast to get a good count and some of them look
just like each other.  Especially the blacks.  Have actually cut ends of
tail fur in patterns to identify.  And when one or another of them are into
something and I say "Daffy, Dilly, uh, Darcy, Dakota, oh hell, just wait
until I look in my book and find out your name!  You are in big trouble!"
Like Bill Cosby, I often say - "I brought you into this world and I can
take you out!!" But I digress.
Anyway, I bundled up and made it half way across the kitchen and hubby said
"where are you going?" Does this sound familiar from a week ago?  I told
him I had to get to the pet store.  I did not tell him that I had called
the Variety store and found that Beanies were there.  Now, as anyone who
buys Beanies knows, it would take a heck of a lot more than and ice storm
to keep you from going.  Shoot, one day last summer the driveway had just
been re-topped and that did not stop me....but that is a whole other story
because I left tracks that were hard to disquise or blame on the men.
Hubby said that he would go to pet store for me, I should stay in because I
might fall and end up in the hospital again (did have a bad fall couple of
years ago, hospital stay, surgery, etc).  Now, women can be very sly and
our brains work very fast.  I calculated that if he went to the pet store,
I could make it to the grocery store for couple of items and the Variety
store for Beanies and be back before he was.  As soon as his car left the
driveway, I was out the door.
Boy, was it icy.  Had no problem, cut through the garage to the other side
car port where my car was.  Going was good, Rounded the trash cans heading
fast to the car.  Too fast.  Big ice glaze on other side.  Did splits.
Owwwww!  This is something my body has not done for many years, I tell you!
And I am quite certain that it was not good for my body.  However, by this
time I was chanting, "Beanies are in, Beanies are in, Beanies are in" and
so I somehow got my legs together, checked to see if they were still
attached to my body and crawled to my car where I pulled myself up.
Hurried to grocery store first - walking was a bit difficult and slowed me
somewhat so it took longer than I thought.  Made it back to car and on to
Variety store and Beanie mania.  Panting, I entered the Beanie sanctum.
And found that customers were only allowed one Beanie.  Oh woe, why does Ty
torture us so?  I chose black bear "The End".  And begged, literally begged
to buy more for couple of shelters I send them to.  No soap.  By now, time
was indeed passing.  Hobbled back to car and hurried home.  Oh No, husband
was already there!
I tried to sneak in the house, but of course he was waiting.  Geez.  Felt
like a teenager while he scolded me.  Of course, I could not tell him about
the splits.  He probably would have had an anuresium.  As it was, he made
me swear I wouldn't go out in ice and show again.  I did, but my fingers
were crossed behind my back.  Spent the rest of the day lying in bed in
pain and thinking about the litter boxes that need to be done.  Sigh.
Boy am I going to be miserable tomorrow and I will have to do boxes no
matter how bad I feel.  But I got The End.  A shopping coup.
Cheers, meg
(For you Georgia, Julie, Linda, Judy, Jackie, and Renee, belated Happy
Birthday & hope you did get your B'day lunch date; and for all the others
who asked me to keep writing - Hugs)
[Posted in FML issue 2947]