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Tue, 25 Jan 2000 19:13:59 EST
text/plain (34 lines)
Been spending a lot of time in emergency vet offices over the years.  One
thing that happens there is that you talk to an awful lot of people as you
wait 3 to 5 hours.
It is easy after a death for "ferret math" to strike.  You are weak and
susceptible.  Nothing necessarily wrong with this -- if you do not expect
it to add up the same as before.
The recurrent theme I hear at the vets is that the animal in emergency now
is a replacement animal for one that died.  The person is not experiencing
the same bonding going on, and is upset at the expense of the vet for this
animal who is not the same as the one that died.  He or she is thinking of
getting rid of the animal.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another ferret to replace one who has passed?
It might chew a hole in your carpeting, chew up your new Italian leather
shoes, poop all over, lead all the others to poop all over, be a nipper, be
as dumb as a door knob, be too frisky for you, not give kisses, or not get
along with your others.
The truth is that there is no replacement for what you have lost.  It will
never be the same again with the new addition to your home.
So please do not burden a defenseless animal with your need to bond to it
the exact same way as you did to the deceased animal.
I hear this over and over again as I wait to be seen.  It is a common
occurrence.  It is a terrible shame.
Ferret Math Does Not Add Up After A Subtraction
[Posted in FML issue 2940]