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Tue, 11 Jan 2000 09:45:31 -0500
Lynn Parks <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
My name is Terry L. Parks Windsor and I joined the list a couple days ago.
I had 2 ferrets 15 years ago.  They were littermates (girls) and both lived
to be a little over 6 years.  They both crossed the Rainbow Bridge within 9
weeks of each other.  I missed them terribly but Don (my hubby) said no
more as the 2 we had were bad biter from the day we got them at 8 weeks
old.  They did however learn to trust me and quit bitting me after about
a year.
That changed a few days ago when Don and I were in a Pet Shop that had a
couple Ferret kits.  Don picked on out and asked if I liked her?  Of course
I said yes.  Don handered her to me nd said she's yours!  Those people must
have thought I was nuts!  I let out a yelp and I was crying.  I couldn't
believe he was finaly going to let me have one again!  I named her Daisy
and she is a beautiful 9 and 1/2 week old Dark Sable.  She is already
spayed and descented.  She has brought so much joy to our home in the last
few day since we got her.  Her antics are just so cute !!  So many things
have changed since we had the first two.  Back then the Vets didn't know
too much and finding supplies for a ferret was next to impossible.  You fed
them cat food and that was it.  It is so nice to see SO MANY THINGS for
these little fussies.  We had a great time shopping at different places for
Daisy's needs.  She has lots of toys and things to keep her entertained.
I would like to comment on the post about Stove Pellets that Anastasia
wrote.  When we got Daisy that is just what the employee at the pet store
told us to use.  They had a litter just like the stove pellets at the pet
store for like $8.00 for 10 lbs.  He has 4 ferrets and said go to Lowes and
get the 40 lb bag for $3.59.  I went ahead and got 2 bags and will get a
few more in March since where we live that is when they stop carrying it.
Thank God I have a cool dry place to keep it for the Summer.  You are
correct in that there is absolutely no oder what so ever and it does tun
back into saw dust.  I didn't think of it but using it as garden mulch is
a great idea.  I will do that too.  Thanks!!
Now I have a couple of questions if I may:
Does anyone take their fuzzies shopping with them?  If so what do you put
them in?  I want to spend as much time with Daisy as I can.  I spoke with a
friend of mine who Manages the local Wal-Mart store and she said as lone as
Daisy was contained so she couldn't get loose I could bring her.  I had
thought about getting an Airline carry on bag made for cats and small dogs
with the front and rear vented with screen type stuff and uptting a fleece
line sleeping bag in the back of it if she gets tired.  Has anybody tried
anything like this?
Second question: What type of litter pans does everyone use?  I got one of
the kigh back corner models Daisy does very well most of the time but she
has a tendency to be standing in the box and potty on the outside.  I have
moved the box around but wonder if the rectangular on would be better.
I look forward to hearing from everyone.
Take Care
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[Posted in FML issue 2926]