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Wed, 12 Jan 2000 00:00:22 -0500
Randall Duke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
[See moderator's note below.  BIG]
I always have been told that it is great that I'm not afraid to ask those
dumb questions .(yes, I'm a ham) I haven't figured out if this is a
compliment or not yet.
So here it goes.  I keep reading and getting emails about " The FML
Archives" .  How do I access them ?  Is everyone talking about the FML's
that I haven't deleted yet, (just about 400 or so.) I just don't have the
time to search through all of them.  Is there a special FML place that I
can go to to get the info I need on a subject ?  I'm not the most computer
literate person in the world .  I'm more your dyslexic, artist type so I
could have miss something.  Please let me know.
The next thing is I've been reading about the ck'ing of blood glucose w/
our ferts.  I was just asking my new Vet about the same thing.  She seem
to think that a glucose meter would work just fine.  I asked her what she
suggested as prick sights.  I mentioned the pads of the paws she said that
would be fine and then he stated the nose works well.  I just can't image
poking my baby in the nose.
Who ever mentioned using the glucose meter, you know that a little gun
comes w/ it .  you cock the gun w/ the lancet and then just push the
trigger.  It doesn't hurt much at all.  you can even adjust the dept you
want the lancet to go.
I do know from experience you must rotate the sights that you take the
blood from.  If not you can cause calluses.  I hate the idea of doing this.
It is very selfish but, I don't like the idea of my baby's associating me
w/ giving them pain and with theconstant cking of glucose levels at home,
I would think, would start a pattern in their logic.  ie: Mommie = pain.
Although, I know that we all would do what ever we have to do to guarantee
good care & health.
Also, I left a post about my wheezey loosing hair on her tail.  It is the
end of her tail up.  the actual area at the base ( around her butt) has
plently of hair.  It seem that post post are saying that only if it is at
the base is it adrenal problems.  Is this correct ?
Good Day to all,
A ferret loving Mama,
[Moderator's note:  There are searchable FML archives at:
The archives are updated every month or so -- Decemeber's archives will
be added in a few days, for example.
All backissues are available as well, from a different server.  See the
top of every issue for information.
Regarding testing blood glucose levels in pets:  I recently ran across
some posts on the subject on the vetpet list ([log in to unmask])
and there were some great pointers to web sites given, including:
http://www.petdiabetes.org/lip_stick.htm   How I Do A Lip Stick On My Dog
http://www.petdiabetes.org/                Pets with Diabetes home page
http://www.original1.com/diabetes/         Canine Diabetes home page
http://members.aol.com/brenda1062/main/    Cody's corner (pancreatitis,
                                             diabetes, etc.)
http://www.weir.net/~lglass/page6.htm      Tyler's links page (diabetes,
                                           cushings, etc.)
http://members.atlantic.net/~bobj/bgtest.html   how to do bg test at home
Though these sites are primarily about cats and dogs, the techniques
described and the support available are helpful for ferrets too.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2926]