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Sun, 9 Jan 2000 16:41:16 -0500
Allbill System <[log in to unmask]>
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As I have come to expect (with satisfaction), Bob C. has offered words for
thought and consideration.  Which, in my opinion is the purpose of any
Insulinoma is a frightening disease, as is adrenal disease, specifically
due to the fact that a 'pill' or simple surgery will not (in all odds) cure
it's presence, although adrenal operations have a higher success rate than
I try to approach Insulinoma in a similar manner that one would treat
diabetes ... and after 6 months (and with Jake originating from 'MF'), we
have had some success!!  And not without help from this List!!!!!  Bob C:
By the way ... Is there a connection between Insulinoma and early neuters?
What is the relation (if any) between pancreatic (sp) function and hormone
function?  I find myself wondering if an animal neutered at 6 weeks (as I
have been told MF does, but wonder if this could be true!?!), if such a
soul would be able to develop sufficiently to function?!  I would want to
see MF research, since their's is a 'bottom-line' industry, and I would
like to see if MF is working on this issue.
After Jake was Dx, I did a bunch of research.  Jake's 1st vet didn't
offer any treatment, and merely stated that he had the disease and would
(shortly) suffer it's course.  Research suggested that a high protein diet
is crucial in order to manage the level of insulin in the system.  So I
found another 'fert-oriented' vet, and together we crafted Jake's tx!
Right now, Jake is on a strict hi-protein diet, with Brewer's yeast and a
herbal supplement, recommended by MJO on this List.  Since 8/99, Jake is
doing well.  Of course, Jake has to get up q 4-6 hours (as do I!), and he
doesn't get any 'furro-vite' like he used to!  But he is still
Anyhow ... Since Dx, Jake has been doing well on his diet, and fasting
blood sugar hasn't been below '90' since first Dx.  Because this is an
"N" of '1', it maybe merely by chance.  I would welcome any differences
of opinion!!
[Posted in FML issue 2924]