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Mon, 20 Dec 1999 22:13:28 -0500
Jennifer Hudson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Well, like every ferret owner, that time comes when one of the babies
requires surgery.  Much to my shock, it is my youngest, biggest most
rolly-poly lovable lump of a fuzz.  I posted back in November about Syd's
missing and other enlarged kidney which after a scan turned out to be two
kidneys and this growth.  He went back today for a follow-up ultrasound
(1-1/2 weeks later) and this growth thing, which is attached to nothing,
is filling with liquid and not typical of being malignant has grown
substantially.  The vet (one of the country's best, Anna Edling in PA) is a
little worried that the growth might interfere with other organs if it
continues to grow like this and worse case, the thing ruptures and there
is any infectious fluids (it appears to be clear fluid at this time).
My reason for posting, just to 'talk' to other ferret lovers, everyone I
know looks at me like I'm nuts for shelling out $300+ for surgery on a
ferret.  Not sure what to expect when he comes home, I have a very nice,
large single cage with only a small ramp that will be pulled in from the
shed and used for his recovery home.  I have my shopping list for soup in
case he loses his appetite (hard to imagine with this eating machine), but
just inc ase!  Anything else I should consider or have prepared?  I am
hoping he is home for Xmas - even cancelled my trip so he would not be
under any stress (boy did mom love my reason for not coming home, but Syd
is her favorite furry grandson).
Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for what to do, how to set up his
temp home or what to give him, please feel free.  I consider myself a
wonderful, informed ferret owner, but I believe this situation requires
some advice from the wiser and experienced FMLers!!
And just think, I am the same person who has been posting about adopting
the two senior ferrets, worried about one getting sick and here is my
beautiful, happy and active 20 month old baby who is my worry!  Sometimes
you never know.
Hugs to all the sick and senior fuzzies out there....
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 2904]