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Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:47:02 -0800
Amy McNamara <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Here is a story that justed happened a week or so ago:
As we all know, ferrets don't much like to be held for long periods of
time.  But the other day, my youngest daughter (Nina) was sleeping in the
oven like usual (actually, the drawer beneath it where we keep the pots &
pans...the little stinker - less than 2 lbs of lovin' - can fit underneath
the range).  I was rounding the sleepy heads for bedtime in their cage, &
proceeded to the oven to retrieve my dear Nina.  When I picked her up, she
was so zonked that she just rested her head in the crook of my arm & let
out a sigh.
I thought "Here's my chance to have my baby girl asleep in my arms!" I sat
down on the floor to watch TV - I even got up to go to the couch instead, &
she stayed in my arms, sleeping away as a stroked her cute little head/ears
& her belly & her tail.  Eventually the other kids made a racket & she woke
up, but she had slept in my arms for a good 1/2 hour.  *I was so touched!*
That memory will stay w/ me until I'm old 'n gray...
Happy Holidays all!  *HUGZ* to the sick & well, old & young fuzzies out
there!  :)
Amy, Jason, & the brat pack (Jack, Rascal, Nina, & Miya)
[Posted in FML issue 2884]