I know that when I have a health question I should first read the FAQs.  I
did.  I even printed them to try to decipher the info, but I couldn't.  I
do not know what peripheral nodes or a spleen are.  I know.... check the
dictionary, but I still don't understand.  Please help.  I am confused and
Last march I adopted Tobi.  He brings me sooooo much happiness.  But, I
think there is something wrong.  I noticed Tobi starting to lose weight.
His activity level is somewhat lower.  But that is not all the problem.
Tobi started to cry at night.  It sound like a complaining heeeeemmmmmm.  I
also noticed that even though Tobi is skinnier around the waist, he is not
proportioned.  What I mean is that his chest area larger.
Now, what I need to know is if this one of the diseases that are described
in the FAQs.  If I could only understand them :(.
Please respond.  I need to know if I should run and get him to a vet, or if
this is just a normal weight loss, or what is going on?  Please help me.
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[Posted in FML issue 1998]