Whats worse then people slamming Marshall Farms when they should be working
on legalizing ferrets in CA is the fact that MF -=IS=- doing something about
the CA legalization effort..They are currently involved in a lawsuit with
the CA Fish and Game for misrepresenting the domestic ferret as a wild
For those people slamming MF for making a living...What have YOU done lately
to HELP ferrets????
Put up or shut up...
Besides...Every MF ferret I've ever been around was nice tempered, healthy
and good quality.  Concidering MF has vets on site from what I've heard, its
little wonder they produce such fine ferrets.  The only thing I'd like is a
MF ferret without the blue ear tattoo dots...But thats just because I like
my pets unmarked, not for any other reason...
[Posted in FML issue 1997]