In response to someone's questions about human rabies vaccines... Yes you
can be (pre)vaccinated for rabies.  As a vet student I was required to be
vaccinated for rabies.  I received 3 shots which were not painful, of rabies
vaccine over an 8 week period last year.  I recently was exposed to rabies
and had to receive two "booster" vaccine shots (which were given
intramuscular--and did hurt).
Anyhow, you should be able to contact your doctor about getting the vaccine.
He/She may not be able to give it because most doctors don't carry it, but
they can tell you where to get it.  It is pretty expensive though.  The
series that I received was about $160, of which I paid half.  The booster
shot bill hasn't come in as of yet!  I had to go toan emergency room to get
the booster shots
Anyone that works with animals should get the vaccine just to be cautious.
It can cause some reactions, but that should not deter you.  All medication
can cause adverse reactions.
Shelley and Blizzard (the albino ferret)
[Posted in FML issue 1995]