Hi All,
DR Emery called me about 1/2 hour ago really excited about some good news
that he had learned from some orthopedic specialists.  He told me yesterday
that he was going to get on the Internet and get some feedback.  After
having posted and received several replies, all of them with basically the
same info, he learned that instead of multiple pins, only one was necessary.
He stated that the one pin would keep her elbow stabilized until it had time
to completely heal.  He told me that he had been trying to come up different
alternatives to amputation.  He also feels that since Daisy is so young (1
year old), that this approach is far superior to the removal of her limb.
Daisy is at home and is actually putting some weight on the injured leg.
She will remain in my infirmary cage until the end of this process-whatever
it may entail.
I got in touch with the gentleman who was caring for Daisy when I first
acquired her.  I asked him about the injury and he stated that she climbed
up on her nesting box and jumped to the side of her cage, got her foot
caught in the wire, and twisted her body around.  DR Emery told me today
when I picked her up that he felt that she got caught in her cage at some
point.  He got that one right!!
Thank you all so much for your help.  Things seem so much more positive
today.  I will continue to post updates on Daisy.
Long Live Kodo-we will not give up the fight
Always for the ferrets
Margaret Ann, Scott and their babies
[Posted in FML issue 1992]