While this is not directly about ferrets, it shows the CA people just the
kind of Gov Organization they are up against and what complete idiots the CA
Fish & Game has working for it and proof they are inept and we should demand
all upper level people in the F&G be replaced...
While some of you may think these are only snakes, rosy boas were threatened
in CA and breeders were allowed permits for breeding and selling them to
others who had permits.  The permits are fairly easy to get..$30 for up to 4
snakes, etc... Due to the strength of the herp clubs in CA, most reptiles
that need permits are not that hard to get permits for, however mammals are
VERY hard to get permits for.
But then...Permits are not required in CA for burmese pythons and they are
commonly found in pet stores.  Often up to 15 feet long even...
In that ferrets are illegal in a state where one can collect up to 4
rattlesnakes with a fishing license, it shows a great deal of braindeath
amoung lawmakers in the dept....Ferrets might BITE children...But then, a
burmese python may eat a small child...I guess biting is bad, but eatting is
However...The rosy boas mentioned below are native to the state and
protected in the wild, but there are provisions for breeding them in
CA...Only due to the herp clubs fighting tooth and nail for the right to be
allowed to have captive breeding programs for them...They are doing QUITE
well nowdays in numbers, except for a bunch that the F&G killed with
ignorance... Thank goodness for private breeders or they would be extinct
In rec.pets.herp, Jeff Barringer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I was saddened this weekend when I learned of the passing of Brendon
>McGraw, probably the worlds foremost authority on Rosy Boas.  Though I never
>personally met Brendon, I had spoken with him several times, and we shared
>many friends.  His exploits with Rosy Boas are legend in the california and
>arizona desert.
>What is disturbing to me is that I have heard that he took his own life
>and that a major role in this was played by California F & G.  To those
>unfamiliar with the situation, Brendon was arrested by Cal F&G for selling
>Rosy Boas 1 inch beyond the length limit.  Although he was completely
>exonerated in the court system, it did not prevent Cal F & G from
>confiscating his entire collection, allowing it to die, and ruining him
>financially.  He had since been involved in a lawsuit against Cal F&G, but
>apparently became despondent and took his own life.
>My sympathy goes out to Brendons family and friends.  The reptile world has
>lost someone special.....
>               Jeff Barringer
(quote off)
[Posted in FML issue 2006]