Right now, I'm angry.  Kodo's death, as you all know was needless, and the
fact that we were so totally ignored..!  You all know how I feel.  Sorry for
the length of this post.  I'm hoping BIG will let it through.
A requiem for Kodo (can be added to Kodo's Version)
Kodo now has passed away
His life, so sweet, is gone
Injustice rules in Michigan
Now that his time is done
Kodo now has had to part,
His body laid to rest.
His life will never grace our hearth,
Because of this stupid test!
Rabies never filled his life,
It never touched his soul.
And now, the world is touched with grief
No-one here is whole.
The world rallied to his cause,
They gathered - far and wide,
They tried to get his life past pause,
Now we must refuse to hide!
Kodo's death must not be in vain,
We must continue on!
Now, while we're filled with pain,
We must push on - push on!
No more will we put up with this
A travesty is here
Injustice must be laid to rest
No-one should ever fear!
The kill-and-test should be gone,
Abolished, and smart quick!
Quarantine would be the best,
That should do the trick!
Now everyone, gather 'round
All from far and wide.
You did it once, and carry on...
We cannot let this slide!
Kodo's death cannot be healed,
Neither can our hearts,
But other fates will be sealed
Unless we do our part!
Bob, Kitty and their children too
Are mourning more than we.
Their darling Kodo now has gone
You can help - hear their plea.
No more shall we stand back and watch
While others kill our friends
No more will we tear at our hearts,
Watching others make amends.
Amends should not need be made,
Our pets are family!
They should be home with us and safe
Not needing all our grief.
Our hearts are heavy,
Yes indeed, they will take a while to heal.
Kodo brain rests, healthily
Under a testing shield
Listen now to Kodo's plea
Hear his final cry
Listen to his entreaty
Listen well, and far and high
"Free others in my position,
Free those who cannot harm
Free them that need your help so bad
Free them, they want home.
"Quarantine isn't so bad,
I didn't mind so much
But, oh so long... I wasn't butch,
I missed my mum and dad.
"I watch, look out for fear
Others will join me too.
No rabies did I have, you hear?
No harm would come to you.
"My mummy and my daddy both,
Looked after me real nice!
Then Michigan, they did take my life!
Like I was nothing - a mere spice.
"My life was treated as nothing,
My daddy, that way too.
Even though he had lots of help,
From lots of people, like you.
"Please help the others, let them free
Let them set up quarantine.
Take away the kill-and-test.
Maybe that will help the rest.
"For me, nothing can be done.
Now that I am dead and gone,
But others, they will need your help...
I'm not thinking of myself.
"I know my mummy loved me,
And my daddy misses me so.
I know my family wishes I were back.
They all wish that I were home.
"No longer can I come home (the best),
But this thing I can do.
Help me now, with this request
Go out. Help others too."
[Posted in FML issue 1968]