Dear Fellow Ferret Lovers:
NO!  My mind and heart are screaming NO, it cannot be, it's just not fair.
Poor Kodo, all the love, all the best wishes, all the efforts were just not
enough to free you, you poor innocent furbaby.  Human criminals have walked
away from heinous crimes intentionally committed with lesser sentences.
Mr. Jacobs, you and your precious Kodo are heros.  You may not find a place
in the annals of history but you've found a place in many hearts and right
now, mine, as no doubt thousands of others, is breaking.
To Mr. Jacobs and his children, my sympathy and long-distance hugs.
We need a gentler society.
Jean and her Furkids.
                            "Everything that lives
                                Lives not alone
                                Nor for itself"
                                                  William Blake
[Posted in FML issue 1968]