Hi all-
I am incensed at Michigan's governor's lack of action in the Kodo case.  In
New Jersey, our governor pardoned a dog that had aggressively bitten a child
on the condition that he leave the state and live in a situation that limits
his exposure to people (he ended up living on a farm).  If the governor of
New Jersey can do it, then he can--if he wasn't so busy trying to wiggle out
of his responsibility.  (My 10 year old daughter said that she would call
him a weasel...but she won't insult the species; she likes them too much.)
Since he really doesn't care about out of state opinions, I suggest that if
he allows Kodo to die that we hit HIM with a money club that has some clout.
Sooner or later, he will come up for reelection.  I propose that everyone
who is as outraged as me find out who is running against him and give that
person a campaign contribution.  I'm a committed Democrat, but I will even
give to the G.O.P.  in order to get him out of office next time.  If the
state has term limits, and he is on his last term, then we should make sure
that HIS PARTY'S representative is not elected, unless he makes a firm
PUBLIC committment to changing the laws.
Next, the judges.  In some states, judges are elected officials.  Are these
bozos elected in Michigan?  Let's do the same thing to them...or if they
were appointed, let's find out by who, and make sure that THEY have
contributions given to THEIR OPPONENTS!  Just because I live out of state,
doesn't mean that I don't have a checkbook!  Let's hit the politicians in
THEIR PERSONAL POCKETBOOKS (their election funds).
How about it Michiganers?  Let me know what party the governor represents,
if/when he is up for election, and information about how these judges are
put in office.
Melody Tomaszewicz
Melodyt and the four fuzzbutts
Furry--"I'm the first, and I'm SOOOO dignified."
Sweetie--The ferret doughnut, "Com'on Mom, let me sleep some more. YAWN."
Friskie--"Get those air goblins!  Get 'um, get 'um, get um!
          Oops, I fell over."
Angel--"Gotta play, Gotta play! KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL!
        OOPS...sorry. PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!"
Coco the Yorkie--"MOM, they're biting my nipples!  Save me!"
Munchkin the Elkhound--"NO, you can't have my dog food.
                        Please make them go away."
[Posted in FML issue 1965]