Hi folks.  Thought some of you mystery buffs out there would like to know
about a new Barbara Block book coming out soon.  I work in a library and my
boss was looking over the June 9th <Publishers Weekly> to see about ordering
new books.  She read me the review on Block's new book.  It seems a young
lady goes into a pet store and demands that they board her pet ferret before
dashing out the door in a panic.  There is some mystery about her father
being murdered, and it's not clear how big a part the ferret plays in the
book but for some odd reason my boss thought I would be interested.  Can't
figure out why she would think that unless it's because I've been bragging
about the sixth ferret I just acquired just as much as I bragged about the
other five... Naaah that can't be the reason.
On to other stuff.  Some friends (Jim Wilkinson and his wife Cathy) and I
are starting up a ferret club here in Monroe La.  We have the first meeting
set up for Friday, Sept 26.  I know this quite some time away, but there are
several reasons for this.  1. We want to make sure we have plenty of time
to plan it.  2. We definately want to make sure we have time to advertise.
3. Louisiana is <hot> at this time of year.  We want even those who don't
have air conditioning in their cars(like myself and Jim) to be able to bring
their fuzzies to the meeting if they want to.  4. We feel this is the time
of year most people would be able to, and be interested in meeting; after
vacation time but before Christmas or school sports.  We have the basic
outline, but if anyone in Louisiana wants to join in the planning, help set
up the club and/or join please let me know.
I have a question for anyone who knows a bit more about whole ferrets than I
do.  I just got Dook (his name was Taz) from Sara and Kurt in Missouri.
They said he was very agressive and a bitter, but since I got him he has
been nothing but a teddy bear.  When I told Sara about this, she remembered
that the guy who dropped Dook off said that he had just turned agressive.
Their oppinion was that he may have been reacting to the tension in the
house.  I talked this over with my freinds Jim and Cathy and jim suggested
that his agression might have been because he was just coming into heat (he
is in full heat right now and tries to scruff me and all the other ferrets).
I have read(I forget in which book) that whole male ferrets 'can be
aggressive'.  Does this mean that they can have aggressive personalities?
Or that they can turn aggressive in heat?  I'm really not sure.  Dook is
less than a year old so this is the first time he has been in heat.  Was
this just a one time thing or should I be prepared for aggression any time
he goes into heat?  Thanks for any reply.
P.S. Dook is a gorgeous angora.
?                                   /     \    /  _____   \     ?
? Victoria Foster                  /       \  /  //^^^\\   \    ?
? e-mail: [log in to unmask]   /         \/  // ~ ~ \\   \   ?
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?           ___   __    ____  __/______  ___  _|| '^^^' ||___ \_?
?                                               |  | |  |       ?
? Gypsy,Rom,Chance,Sassy,Cinder,Dook            oOOo oOOo       ?
[Posted in FML issue 1985]